Tuesday 29 April 2014

Leftover Beef Pot Pie

You have heard me sing the virtues of Rib Eye Roast before and call it a poor man’s filet mignon.  I recently purchased a fine 3 LB specimen for about $13 and ended up with three meals!  First I roasted the beef and added baked potato and spinach for a very nice Saturday dinner.  I always slice the entire roast as thinly as I possibly can about 20 minutes after bringing it out from the oven, so it was child’s play to make sandwiches on long rolls, with mayo and horseradish sauce, for my fishing trip to LI Sound on Sunday.
We hit Bridgeport harbor at half past pretty early and launched my 13 foot Whaler from a public ramp at the end of a street in the closed up industrial area.   April 1 was opening day for Winter Flounder and Blackfish (Tautog) in Connecticut, and there were reports of Bunker in the harbor which means Strippers.  It turned out very cold, windy, and cloudy, and as the day passed, it got colder, windier, and cloudier. Short report is no bunker, no flounder, no blackfish, one starfish inside an oyster shell, and it started raining hard just as we recovered the boat, oh well.

Pan Fish Fry

This is a nice recipe for fish lovers and is especially fun for kids who have caught fish and would like to eat them.  While you can occasionally find pan fish at the market the best way is to set out to the nearest fishing hole and look for large Bluegills, Perch, or Calico Bass. I happened across a hole in Bantam Lake the other day full of Calicoes, also known as Crappie.  I dropped a small white fluke to the bottom and every time I pulled up I had another nice sized fish.  The only times they didn’t bite was when they had chewed the tail off the fluke.  I had 18 fish in as many   minutes and made a nice fry up!
A bunch of pan fish (at least 4 per person)

Thursday 17 April 2014

Fish Fillet Vegetable Sauce With Pasta

 Fish fillet vegetable sauce served with pasta
This fish vegetable sauce is best cooked with fish fillet. I didn't have at home so tried to cut my croaker, a few bones escaped into the pot but couldn't create any drama because we all over enjoyed this meal.
I regret taking pics with this Lumia cos posting them has given me enough headache already. Couldn't upload to a laptop and now blogging with the phone to see if they upload but not sure they'll show on the blog. Let me just keep trying different tricks cos this tasted too good not to be posted.

Yay! the pics have finally uploaded after these long hours. Try this
and I bet you won't regret it. Sauce can be served with boiled rice, jollof, pasta and anyhow you want it, lol!

Ingredients For fish fillet vegetable sauce:

  • Fish fillets
  • Fresh pepper
  • Onion
  • salt
  • Seasoning
  • cabbage
  • tatashe
  • Green pepper
  • curry
  • Soya, olive or vegetable Oil
  • Baked beans in tomato sauce (optional)
  • Water

Fish with fresh pepper in a greased pan

Fish with veggies, seasoning cubes won't crush cos Harmattan has hardened them. Heating to soften the cubes. Didn't use all these cubes.

 Fish with onion, fresh pepper, seasoning and some curry

Washing Vegetables for the fish fillet sauce

Cabbage, tatashe, green pepper and onion
No fish fillets at home, trying to cut mine from croaker. The tails won't cut so I added that way and brought out the tail bones when fish cooked soft. Do not try this at home, get ready-made fillets. LOL!

A greased fry pan for vegetables

Stir frying assorted vegetables and seasoning with salt on low heat

Vegetables can be served now or left to cook a bit more

Yummy, nutritious sauce for rice

Adding cooked vegetables to little boiling water to make sauce

Vegetables and water mix well and simmer a little

 Added the cooked fish to my sauteed vegetables, Cooked appealing fish fillet vegetable sauce

Adding only one drop of baked beans in tomato sauce to give it that fish-tomato zest

Sauce is ready for the family

Enjoy yummy sauce with your coice of pasta, rice, etc.
Please don't try to make your fish fillets like me o. Get clean, boneless fish fillets from your supermarket and cook with ease.

Nigerian Stew Without Seasoning, Jollof Macaroni with Dry Fried Chicken

A Serving of jollof macaroni with dry fried chicken.
Macaroni can be cooked like jollof rice, like fried rice or boiled and eaten with stew. It can also
be cooked with curry and lots of vegetables.

Pasta With Sardines And Boiled Egg Sauce

A serving of pasta with healthy egg sauce
 I  made this meal for dinner yesterday in a hurry as we got back from work a little late. After dinner hubby asked to pack some for his packed lunch for today.


sauce also goes well with rice, spaghetti, noodles, bread, yam, dodo and boiled green plantain.

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Chicken And Mushroom Pasta

Chicken and mushroom pasta served with coleslaw
Today, I'd like to share with you my recipe for Chicken and Mushroom Pasta.
I'm all about easy AND tasty recipes, and this is at the top of the list. I love pasta in any shape, form or size (size ke? No, not really-figure 8 tinz). 

I'm a pepper freak (I love atarodo/habanero!), but I've come to realise, after making a variety of pasta recipes and pasta sauces, that the best sauces for pasta should be light, and not overly spicy. I use atarodo in moderation with pasta, in fact, in this recipe, I didn't use atarodo at all, but the recipe is still fantastic (trust me, even if you don't know me from Adam!)

Omi Atanifa Soup For New Moms

A pot of omi atanifa soup

This is a kind of soup made by the bode people of Edo state. It is also good for women that just delivered. Made this for a friend that delivered via CS so I used minimal pepper unlike the previous post partum pepper soup. Ingredients. Scent leaves. Uziza leaves. Spice( don't know the English names but the pictures are available) garlic. Pepper onions. Groundnut. Seasoning.  

Procedure. Wash the fish properly, pluck the leaves and wash properly to remove dirt. Blend or
grind the scent leaves uziza leaves pepper onions together. Pound the spices and garlic. Season the fish in a clean pot with garlic, salt and Maggi. Pour the ground paste on top. Allow to boil, heat up red oil and fry the ground groundnut.  Add the fired groundnut into the soup in little quantity as you stir.( pls don't put too much groundnut as some people believe that too much groundnut makes the baby purge)

Why You Desperately Need Moringa Tea And How To Make Yours

I decided long ago to dump my beverages and join the Moringa Team, but, for some reasons (may be sweet tooth or love for beverages) I wasn't able to do that. The urge became more serious last night after reading Dobby's signature. It was a long post no doubt. However, I thoroughly enjoyed and read word by word.

After digesting that post, this morning I had my first experience with Moringa Tea and I honestly feel

good about this. To think that I serve Hubby Moringa every morning, I watch him mix it with his soups and other meals. I watch him take it as many times as possible on a daily basis, yet, have never been able to bring myself to taking it, It's shocking how sometimes we know what is great for our bodies but have no will power to do it.

Tomato In Egusi/Melon Stew

This is for the mailer that asked if you can add tomato to egusi stew. I like the taste of tomato in egusi soup or stew. I remember Lizzy posted Efo elegusi on the blog, she added tomatoes to her egusi soup.  Chubby Ella's multi purpose egusi soup also has tomatoes in it

There are
many methods of cooking this tomato in egusi stew and here is how I make mine.

Nutritious Egg Moi Moi I Prepared Omalicha's Egg Moi Moi

Yummy egg moi moi
If you are like me and you do not like hardboiled eggs (I only eat the egg whites lol) and you do not like fried egg (it gives me heart burn), then you will love Egg Moi Moi – I love this name!
Egg Moi Moi is a cross between boiled egg and fried egg. It is cooked but you get the chance to beat the egg to combine the egg yolk and
the albumen before boiling it. It’s just like Poached Eggs without the runny egg yolk! Thanks to Omalicha, I can now enjoy eggs without feeling sick!
I prepared mine with:
-       2 Eggs
-       ½ a tomato
-       A pinch of salt (or to your taste)
-       Vegetable oil (for rubbing the insides of the bowls)

Post-Partum Nigerian Chicken Pepper soup For Nursing Mothers

Pepper soup for nursing mothers
A friend of mine delivered and i decided to make this chicken pepper soup for her. It's mainly made with fish but i felt she may have had too much of that so I used chicken. Pls I don't know if this pepper soup is safe for pregnant women so won't advise them to take it. Single ladies and men you can also learn this to make for friends that just delivered. 

Peel your ginger (pls lots of ginger)and garlic, pound it a little to make it a bit soft so it doesn't spoil the blender. Chop onions, add both the garlic, ginger, onions and pepper in the blender( blend till its soft, so you can get the juice out of the ginger) add little water and blend. Sieve the paste into a clean pot, add the dry pepper soup spice, ground cameroun pepper, salt and Maggi. Add the meat or fish ( you can use any thing you want) peel and chop your yam( pls make sure you cut the yam into tiny sizes, this is because most women that have normal delivery get episiotomy  and that makes it difficult to pooh for the first few days. Boil it and check for salt. Enjoy! NOTE: pls it will be peppery but try and take it for at least a week after delivery, daily. Trust me you will see the result.

How To Cook Beans And Corn Meal With Fresh Corn, Help

A pot of corn and beans 
Beans and corn meal can be very filling. I posted one before, cooked with sweet corn. This time I wanted the real thing with fresh corn but .... I refused to take
pics of the cooked and served meal cos while beans was overcooked and all broken and soft, the corn was not very well cooked and I don't know what went wrong.

The fresh corn was washed and boiled before adding my brown beans. Someone said black eye pea is preferable when cooking with corn, that brown beans cooks too fast. Would like to try this again cos my girl loves it but I need a few tips on how to do it right.

Beach Coconut Rice With Crisp Coated Chicken

[Nigerian Meal Recipe] Ladies, Win Your Lovers Heart Cooking Beach Coconut Rice With Crisp Chicken
A serving of beach coconut rice with crisp coated chicken
Dear Diary,
There were no shrimps available, so, I made do with crayfish. Will try and get shrimps next time. If you
are still thinking of how to bribe hubby this valentine season, think no more. Give him this coconut rice and see your dreams come true. The results were amazing. I have not cooked coconut rice for my
family in a long while and yum yum... the comments that flowed when this dish was served, I can't tell you today. My family went gaga. There was no single soul that did not eat too much.

Cooking coconut rice takes some time when you want to do it my way, The original way. However, if you are in a hurry or are planning to serve this on a weekday, there are some short cuts like:

How To Cook Nigerian Fried Rice With Coated Chicken

 packed Nigerian fried rice with coated chicken
In Nigeria, Fried Rice is the  meal for great events like weddings, Festivals, Christmas celebrations, Housewarming, New Car Washing, Child Naming Ceremonies, Child Christening/ Dedications,  and even Funeral Commemorations. It is much loved by Most Nigerians. Back in the days, not many
women knew how to cook fried rice. All we did was cook our "Rice and stew" or "Jollof rice" at home, and eat out whenever we craved fried rice. In food outlets, fried rice is the most expensive of  all rice meals on the Menu. Well, this is considering that I have never bought sushi.