Monday 12 January 2015

Homemade Spring Roll wrappers(lumpia wrappers/popiah skins) - How to make spring roll wrappers at home

how to make spring roll wrappers, Homemade Spring Roll wrappers, Homemade lumpia wrappers, Homemade popiah skins

How to make springroll wraps at home

Homemade Spring Roll wrappers/ Lumpia wrappers are usually healthier than store bought spring roll wrappers because you know what goes into it and it has no chemical preservatives..and another good thing is that it's not so difficult to make..once you get the hang of it :-) .
There are actually 3 methods(the smear method, the brush method and the crepe method) but the smear method is the original method used by Asians and that's what I'll be showing you below.

Homemade Spring Roll wrappers/sheets ingredients:-

Makes about 25+ wrappers
- About 150 ml water
- 300 grams all purpose flour
- 2 tablespoonfuls Corn Flour(corn starch)OR potato flour OR tapioca flour
- Half teaspoon salt

Homemade popiah wrappers,Homemade Spring Roll wrappers

    1 . Mix all the dry ingredients together.

    2 . Add the water bit by bit as you mix the batter.
Homemade Spring Roll wrappers, how to make spring roll wrappers, Homemade lumpia wrappers, Homemade popiah skins,Homemade egg  Roll wrappers

    3 . Mix thoroughly until you get a stretchy batter. Then knead the batter by lifting it up and slamming it back on the bowl .
Homemade Spring Roll wrappers,Homemade egg  Roll wrappers
Do this repeatedly until the batter is really stretchy, then cover and keep in the fridge for 2 -3 hours
    4. After 2-3hours, the batter would be a bit solid but still stretchy.

Homemade Spring Roll wrappers,Homemade egg  Roll wrappers

Now heat up a non-stick pan and reduce the heat to low; then scoop up the batter in your palm. 
Homemade Spring Roll wrappers,Homemade egg  Roll wrappers

 Quickly Make a thin circular smear on the pan.
Homemade Spring Roll wrappers,Homemade egg  Roll wrappers

Homemade Spring Roll wrappers,Homemade egg  Roll wrappers

  5. As the sides of the sheets begin to pop up, lift it up and place on a plate and cover with a damp towel.

Homemade lumpia wrappers,Homemade popiah wrappers

Homemade egg Roll wrappers,Homemade Spring Roll wrappers
Repeat the process for the remaining batter.

    6. Here you have it. Enjoy

Homemade lumpia wrappers,Homemade popiah wrappers
- As the batter is used up, it will begin to make smaller wrappers, but by then, you already have enough for your spring rolls
- If the spring roll wrapper is too light for your liking, you can double it and use as desired.
 In summary
Homemade Spring Roll wrappers( lumpia wrappers/ popiah skins), how to make spring roll wrapper

Homemade Spring Roll wrappers( lumpia wrappers/ popiah skins), how to make spring roll wrapper
 ++click here to see how I used it for my Spring rolls++

how to make spring roll wrappers, Homemade Spring Roll wrappers, Homemade lumpia wrappers, Homemade popiah skins
Homemade Spring Roll wrappers, how to make spring roll wrappers, Homemade lumpia wrappers, Homemade popiah skins