Wednesday 24 December 2014

Nigerian Shawarma (Chicken and Beef Shawarma Recipe Provided)

Nigerian shawarma, nigerian beef shawarma, Nigerian Shawarma (Chicken and Beef Shawarma Recipe Provided)

Nigerian Shawarma  is the ''Nigerian-style'' of the famous Shawarma (made with beef or chicken filling). This tasty snack has become a popular meal on the streets of Nigeria and is also one of the most requested recipes I have received.

Years back, I used to get mine at the eatery and also wondered how I could re-make this tasty snack at home with basic spices readily available in most Nigerian kitchens;including the Shawarma bread & the tasty meat filling..After some trials, I finally got the perfect mix (I just love making my food from scratch☺).

This recipe is deliciously addicting and so easy to prepare, that you'll want to make Shawarma everyday. All said, this is my Nigerian -style Chicken Shawarma Recipe. Enjoy!